Tuesday 25 June 2013

Bland Beginnings.

Hiya webizens!

I really don't know what set my mind to blog.I have never done any sort of creative writing typically that creative people do.All I know is I went to the gym the other day and between the blaring rap music,the whining cardio(evil) machines and the sound of a foodie's soul being ripped apart by reluctant exercise; an insane desire errupted from within. I SHOULD BLOG.

So here I am beginning a bland post on my entry to the blogosphere.I am a noob at anything and everything my friends can possibily think of and maybe thinking of me as one while reading this post. Fuck it. You got to try when you gotta try guys.

 I'm an ARSENAL FOOTBALL CLUB fan. Oh yeah.
A gooner.
A gigantic gooner.
A gentle gigantic gooner.

Sorry about that,kinda needed to do it (perhaps its OCD).

Nevertheless,my ultrapositive ,borderline insane, views on the club their football and the one and only Arsene Wenger prompts a lot of people to call me a fanboy.
The Urban Dictionary defines the term fanboy as:

1. A passionate fan of various elements of geek culture.
A person who is completely loyal to a game or company regardless of if they suck or not.
3.An arrogant person who goes into an outburst every time something he likes is questioned.
4.A person who loves something without question.

1,2,3,4, check .

Call me what you want but I'll grumble and mumble and stick with that irritating piece of circular logic that will always keep my team above every and any type of possible bullshit the opponent can spew up.

And behold, the loud voice imitating god said," May the GRUMBLING FANBOY be born."

Pathetic,I know.
Anyways ,Ill stop here and continue to ramble around thinking for stuff to put into the next post,till then,may the force be with you.

Cheerio !